• 2 декабря 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Address: г. 125009 Moscow, Vozdvizhenka str., 4/7 building 1.

Seed Forum 2019 December the 2nd

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1699 дней назад
2 декабря 2019 c 9:30 до 20:00
Address: г. 125009 Moscow, Vozdvizhenka str., 4/7 building 1.

You are kindly invited to participate at Seed Forum Moscow Friday the 2nd of December. Seed Forum will be held at Moscow exchange! Address: 125009 Moscow, Vozdvizhenka str., 4/7 building 1.

The morning event will gather up to 10 exciting growth companies, targeting several different industries. You will get a chance to meet the executives of these aspiring born-globals in person. Each of the presenting companies has been deemed suitable subsequent to a selection process by the Seed Forum selection panel, several of the companies are in business.

This is a great opportunity to make contact with some potentially high-value prospects in an informal setting.

More about Seed Forum Russia - logagroup.com/data/documents/SeedFo... 

MOSCOW, 2019



Registration and morning coffee


Co-founder of Seed Forum in Russia Alexander Loktionov

Presentation of the participants


Introductory word: representative of the Moscow Exchange RII Management Opportunities of the Moscow Exchange RII


Chair Seed Forum Global Steinar Hoel Korsmo

Opportunities and experience of investments outside the Russian Federation


Company Presentations — 7 minutes each.

APISender offers a software package in the field of messaging marketing. The complex includes such solutions as: designer of omnichannel dialog forms, chat bots, mass mailings, analytics of communication efficiency, flexible API protocol. The project founder, who brought SigmaSMS to the technology market leaders, is coming up with a new promising solution that changes the rules of the game. The company is preparing for large-scale entry into foreign markets.

SmartMerch, a company with sales and positive cash flow, offers an interesting innovative solution to improve the efficiency of merchandisers. The decision of SmartMerch is confirmed by the fact that sales of products in supermarkets have grown. The company plans to enter the US market with the possibility of selling the company to a major player.

Slonbook is a simplified analogue of the YClient system; it provides recording of network business clients and communication with them in instant messengers. The company entered the market in 2019. Confirmed increase in the conversion rate of repeated customer requests up to 20%. Currently, the founder offers to invest in a project to accelerate economies of scale.

Volts has developed and patented a solution for guaranteed power supply to private houses or shops, combining lithium-ion modular batteries, an information system with the ability to connect to alternative or classic energy sources. The company was founded by a team that has extensive business experience in the electric power industry, has sales in the Russian Federation and invites investors to complete the certification process and develop the dealer network in Europe.

Enface is a cloud-based payment management platform for biometric authentication “face payment” based on artificial intelligence. The founder of Enface previously created and brought to market one of the leading suppliers of server hardware and IT integrator, Trinity. Enface invites venture investors to scale the sales of the service in Asia, Russia and other countries.

Skipz is a cloud-based solution for delivering food from restaurants and shops to drivers’ doors, allowing you to order on the go. Currently, the project is being deployed in Europe. The project founder proposes to invest in the development of the company in the possibility of selling the company to one of the major customers of the service.

Diwine - Swiss Wine Bank. High-margin e-commerce in a large market with the potential for rapid growth and worldwide scaling with a new disruptive business model. The project starts in Switzerland in 2019.

ViNTERA is an Internet television with good penetration in Eastern Europe and the CIS; the project has been successfully monetized for several years. The company is run by an experienced team. The founder offers investors to invest in the development of digital content and new markets. Investment strategy — increase in value, sale to a major player or IPO.

13:00 – 15:00

Networking, Buffet

17:00 – 19:00

Meeting point O2 lounge RitzCarlton

Location: RII Moscow Exchange, Moscow Vozdvizhenka, d. 4/7 p. 1.

About Seed Forum Global

Seed Forum is a global organization hosting investor conferences in more than 55 countries and is considered as one of the most professional and experienced venues for presentations of investor ready start-up companies worldwide.

There is no success fee and investors will meet the companies in person.

You may find more information about Seed Forum here www.seedforum.org

About LOGA Group

In 2010 LOGA Group became general partner of Seed Forum Global in European part of Eurasia and co-founded Seed Forum accelerator in the region. Today 25 000 investors are taking part in our programs in 55 countries. By 2018 more than 15 000 entrepreneurs became alumni of LOGA Group acceleration programs in European part of Eurasia, western Europe, Singapore and north America.

You may find more information about LOGA Group here www.logagroup.com

About Moscow Exchange

Moscow Exchange is Russia’s largest securities exchange group, it ranks among world’s top 20 exchanges by trading volume and total market cap of shares traded, and among the top 10 derivatives exchanges. Moscow Exchange actively promotes the development of Russia’s financial market and its infrastructure, and strives to make its trading venues and services more attractive to domestic and foreign investors and issuers.


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